V&A Cinderella
I've been working with the great guys over at Lightweight Media to produce a nice little animation for the V&A Museum. Karolis...

Jurassic World
I'm excited to see the new Jurassic World movie, so I animated Chris Pratt riding a velociraptor - obviously - #jurrasicworld...

London Skyline
Living in London is awesome so I put together a little skyline loop! #london #loopingGIF #londonanimation #londonskyline #theshard...

Viking and the Bird
A little while ago I was lucky enough to play around with some of Chris Whartons awesome work - this was one of the results. #viking...

New Site, New Blog
So I've updated my website, which to be honest has been a long time coming. Added this whole new blog thing as well. Guess I'll use it as...